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AlmaLinux Administration Basics - Users

·3 mins
Home Lab CLI Linux Admin
AlmaLinux Administration Basics - This article is part of a series.
Part 2: This Article

Granting Sudo Privileges on AlmaLinux 9.2

Empower users in your home lab with sudo access! This guide walks you through adding a user with administrative privileges on AlmaLinux 9.2.

Non-Sudo Users:

For users who don’t require administrative privileges, simply follow steps 1 and 2 below. These users will have basic access to the system but won’t be able to execute commands with sudo.

Why Sudo Users?

Sudo allows authorized users to execute commands with elevated permissions, crucial for managing your server effectively.


  1. Create a New User:

    Open a terminal and run:

    sudo useradd myuser

    Replace “myuser” with your desired username.

  2. Set a Strong Password:

    Use the passwd command followed by the username:

    passwd myuser

    Enter and confirm a strong password for the user. Here are some strong password practices:

    • Length: Use a password with at least 12 characters.
    • Complexity: Combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
    • Uniqueness: Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts.
    • Password Managers: Consider using a password manager to generate and store strong, unique passwords for all your accounts.
  3. Grant Sudo Access:

    Linux uses groups to manage permissions. The “wheel” group has sudo access by default. Let’s add “myuser” to the “wheel” group:

    sudo usermod -aG wheel myuser
  4. Verify Sudo Access (Optional):

    Switch to the new user:

    su - myuser

    Try running a command with sudo:

    sudo ls /root

    If prompted for the user’s password and the command executes, sudo access is granted.

Service Accounts vs. User Accounts

So far, we’ve discussed user accounts, which are for human users who log in and interact with the system. There’s another type of account: the service account.

Service Accounts:

These accounts are used by programs or services running on your system. They provide a secure way for these programs to access resources without requiring human intervention or a traditional user login. Service accounts often have specific permissions assigned to them, allowing them to perform limited tasks.

User Accounts vs. Service Accounts:

The key difference is that user accounts are for human users, while service accounts are for automated tasks. Furthermore, service accounts often don’t have a login shell like users do, in certain distributions, they have /usr/sbin/nologin as login shell.

User accounts typically have more privileges and require a password for login, while service accounts are designed for secure programmatic access with limited permissions.

Security First!

Here are some key security practices to follow when managing users and permissions on your AlmaLinux server:

  • Principle of Least Privilege: Grant users only the minimum permissions they need to perform their tasks. This minimizes the damage if a user account is compromised.
  • Strong Password Policies: Enforce strong password requirements as mentioned previously. Consider using a password manager and avoid sharing passwords.
  • Disable Root Login: For enhanced security, disable direct root login via SSH. Use sudo for administrative tasks when necessary.
  • Regular Updates: Keep your system software and packages updated to address security vulnerabilities.
  • Monitor System Activity: Regularly review system logs for suspicious activity.

By following these security best practices, you can minimize the risk of unauthorized access and keep your AlmaLinux server secure.

Now you have a dedicated sudo user for managing your AlmaLinux server, separate non-privileged users for everyday tasks, and an understanding of service accounts for automated processes!

Remember, responsible permission management and strong security practices are key to maintaining a secure and stable system.
AlmaLinux Administration Basics - This article is part of a series.
Part 2: This Article


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